Salvatore Arena
We are building a project that aims to involve local businesses in decentralized finance.
Our vision brings together traditional local businesses with the world of decentralized financeThese NFTs are assets that offer incentives and economic benefits to the holders.
How it works:
The “NFT Menu” project was designed with the aim of providing Italian pizzerias with an innovative and creative solution for using their menus. Through the use of blockchain technology and NFTs, pizzerias can have access to a personalized and free digital menu that can generate value through the advertising of local businesses.
In this White Paper, we will analyze the NFT project based on the menus of Italian pizzerias. These NFTs are created for each individual menu and have a value associated with them. Additionally, we will explore how NFTs created for each province and region receive added value from associated pizzeria menus and actual NFT Menus.
For each interested pizzeria, the “NFT Menu” team manually and accurately creates a personalized digital menu containing all the dishes offered by the pizzeria, with photos and detailed descriptions. The menu can be viewed through a QR code or a dedicated web page.
The digital menu also includes advertising spaces dedicated to local businesses such as artisans and shops, who can purchase space to promote their products and services. The revenue from advertising is split between the advertising of the menus on social networks, the “NFT Menu” team, and the incremental value of the minted NFTs.
For each menu created, a personalized NFT is generated, representing the pizzeria’s logo. This NFT has an initial value determined by the value of creating the digital menu and associated gadgets to create and consolidate engagement between the pizzeria and its customers. The number of calls to order Pizza or Food by the menu and revenue generated from advertising determines the constant growth of the associated NFT’s value.
The value of the NFT is deposited on the blockchain and can be traded with other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies.
Additionally, each province has its own NFT, which receives a value proportional to the number of menus created in that province. The same applies to regions, which have an associated NFT that receives a value proportional to the number of menus created in all provinces within the region.
How NFTs raise value
When Menù receive 1000 calls to order take away food the relative NFT Menù earn €10,00 (ten/00 euro)
• Provincial NFT
When Menù receive 1000 calls to order take away food in the relative NFT Menù based in relative Province, that Province NFT collector earn €10,00 (ten/00 euro).
When new NFT Menù will be sold, the Collector of Province NFT of that province where is based the NFT Menù will earn 2% of the sell
• Regional NFT
When Menù receive 1000 calls to order take away food in the relative NFT Menù based in relative Region, that Region NFT collector earn €15,00 (fifteen/00 euro).
When new NFT Menù will be sold, the Collector of Region NFT of that region where is based the NFT Menù will earn 3% of the sell.
How to collect the value generated?
every €50 of value generated by the Menu activity and by the new NFT Menu sold
the Team will mint an NFT Reward which the collector will be able to collect or sell or cash in through the sale of the NFT directly to the minter of these NFTs.
The NFT Rewards will be minted in ETH at the current value of the Fiat Euro
Always PIZZAIT.NET Project will buy the NFT Rewards, it will be sufficient to communicate the intention to collect the NRF Rewards and a financial operator will proceed with the purchase
The “NFT Menu” project offers numerous benefits for Italian pizzerias and local businesses. Firstly, pizzerias can have a personalized and free digital menu that includes stickers for pizza boxes, custom fridge magnets, and a dedicated page, which allows them to save on menu printing and updating costs. Furthermore, thanks to the advertising present in the menu, they can generate revenue that can be used to promote their menu on social networks.
Local businesses, on the other hand, can take advantage of advertising space within the menu, with three levels of advertising space available for purchase:
1.Basic level – featuring the business’s name and logo
2.Intermediate level – featuring the business’s name, logo, and a short description 3.Premium level – featuring the business’s name, logo, a longer description, and a link to the business’s website or social media pages.
By purchasing an advertising space, local businesses can reach a targeted audience and potentially attract new customers. Additionally, they can support their local pizzerias and participate in a unique and innovative project that leverages blockchain technology.
The “NFT Menu” project represents an innovative solution for creating menus for Italian pizzerias and even worldwide, which allows generating value through blockchain technology and NFTs. Thanks to the possibility of monetizing the menu through advertising local businesses, pizzerias can obtain additional revenue, while local businesses can reach a targeted audience and contribute to the creation of value in their province or region.
“NFT Menu” collectors will have a certain increase determined by the vitality of digital menus and the possibility of buying and selling them among collectors. Through a calculation based on the profitability of pizzeria menus, collectors of Provincial and Regional NFT Menus will receive “NFT Menu Reward” or actual NFT Menus.