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current population
living in 74 Cities and Towns
307 food and beverage activities
10523 local activities to sell ADV

Author offer to buy back

Author offer to buy back

Salvatore Arena
guarantee buy back every 2 months at the same price of the mint

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How NFTs increase Value?

Local ADs incrase Value of Menu NFT

all Menu NFT increase Value of Provincial NFT

all Menu NFT increase Value of Regional NFT

the NFT Menu the value grows based on the performance of the menu

Each Menu Online is a "container" where is running Local advertising for city Shops that want advice inside Online Menù

Value grow's up 1 one score every call for order Pizza or foods it's make this Menù Online more attractive to host more advertises
more advertises per month, more value achieve NFT Menù

Provincial NFT grows value by the performances by all Online Menù hosted in relative Province
Furthermore earn 2% value by the new NFT Menù minted sold in relative Province

NFT Province AOSTA
in Val D'Aosta Region

we provide menù online for free

In the AOSTA Province can get from a minimum of 59 Pizzerias but can reach over 176 Pizzerias.
The goal that can be reached in a few years is probably around 102 Pizzerias.

Easy to reach the Goals
We provide menù online for free

Each Menù Online will have one NFT Menù
102 Menù Online = 102 NFT Menù to collect = 102 (2% fee) = 102 ADV Performance

In Italy there are approximately 150.000 food and beverages activities. on average 1 food and beverage activity every 400 people
(I.STAT official data)

Each region will have access to the list of Online Menus relating to its own NFT Region

how the NFT collector earns from this project?

by NFT Menù
every 1000 phone calls to order

by Provincial NFT
by menù performance and earn 2% by new NFT Menu sold when get new Pizzeria as a customer

by Regional NFT
by menù performance and earn 3% by new NFT Menu sold when get new Pizzeria as a customer

What problem we met to solve for Take away?

Take away activities lose earnings to pay high commissions to online ordering apps.

Even have to wait around 2 months to receive payment from ordering apps.

Are food ordering apps the future?

That’s not entirely true.

95% of customers still prefer to call the takeaway today. This is a fact 
less than 5%
of the orders are made by Apps

what other problems do takeaway owners encounter with apps?

Apps are not flexible for the restaurant industry, such as delays or urgent service needs at tables, etc.

another reason for dissatisfaction for customers and pizzerias?

Customers customize all orders, such as cooking preferences, spiciness level, extra ingredients, which is not possible with the app.

What could go worse?

These systems do not promote harmonious growth between local businesses and the restaurant industry, but instead only favor multinational corporations and exacerbate the difficulties faced by small city businesses.

what did we create to solve?

Ecosystem for local businesses and Blockchain

The team creates the pizza menu in less than an hour

To each Menu we associate an NFT coined by the take away logo

The sale of the NFTs will bear the initial costs of the Menu and the gadgets

The Menu will host an advertising space

The advertising space will bear the costs on social networks and will give an extra profit to NFT collectors

The extra value given to the NFT increases with calls to order food

Every 1000 calls, we generate an NFT Reward to be given to the collector who can use it to collect the profit or buy new NFT Menus to collect

Special Edition NFT

Regional NFT Master constantly will receive 3% value from the activity of all menus related to their Region through new NFT Rewards
Each region can have thousands of menus and many thousands of local sponsors.

Provincial NFT Master constantly will receive 2% value from the activity of all menus related to their Province through new NFT Rewards
Each province can have several hundred menus and thousands of local sponsors

for more info read below

Our team can create a personalized online menu for free based on a simple photo of the paper menu. In less than one hour Menù is ready to use

There is no cost incurred by the pizzeria or the customers, and no commission on orders

we create a link between takeaways with many useful gadgets (fridge magnets, Qr code stickers for pizza boxes, add to homescreen menus and much more)

The phone call make the relationship between customer and the take away service pleasant and friendly

Inside the menu, there will be a dedicated advertising space for local businesses. This space will serve to support the costs and create additional value for NFT collectors.

Moreover they decide together the best time and delivery.
Customers may need to communicate specific requests, such as extra ingredients or substitutions, whatever.

What problem we met to solve?

In Italy (and around the world), there are several websites and apps for food delivery services, but they often earn profits by taking commissions and cutting into the profits of pizzerias and other take-out businesses by about 20%. Other websites, on the other hand, charge for delivery. In any case, pizzerias and other businesses are forced to create their menu through systems they often don’t know, which can cause difficulties. Furthermore, these apps do not consider the actual timing that these businesses are subjected to, such as the urgency to serve tables or various delays.

Are food ordering apps the future?

That’s not entirely true. The future is about people continuing to have live and real conversations.

We noticed that the vast majority of customers prefer to call their trusted pizzeria and order over the phone, because there are many variables when it comes to ordering a pizza. For example, some customers may want it cooked more, or spicier, or with extra ingredients, or other customizations.

Restaurateurs are also happy to be called on the phone because they enjoy direct contact with the customer.
This is a fact: 95% of orders are made by simple Menù and by phone call

What could go worse?

These systems do not promote harmonious growth between local businesses and the restaurant industry, but instead only favor multinational corporations and exacerbate the difficulties faced by small city businesses.

NFT Menu: an ecosystem created between local businesses and Blockchain.

Salvatore Arena


Summary: The “NFT Menu” project was designed with the aim of providing Italian pizzerias with an innovative and creative solution for using their menus. Through the use of blockchain technology and NFTs, pizzerias can have access to a personalized and free digital menu that can generate value through the advertising of local businesses.


In this White Paper, we will analyze the NFT project based on the menus of Italian pizzerias. These NFTs are created for each individual menu and have a value associated with them. Additionally, we will explore how NFTs created for each province and region receive added value from associated pizzeria menus and actual NFT Menus.

How it works:

For each interested pizzeria, the “NFT Menu” team manually and accurately creates a personalized digital menu containing all the dishes offered by the pizzeria, with photos and detailed descriptions. The menu can be viewed through a QR code or a dedicated web page.

The digital menu also includes advertising spaces dedicated to local businesses such as artisans and shops, who can purchase space to promote their products and services. The revenue from advertising is split between the advertising of the menus on social networks, the “NFT Menu” team, and the incremental value of the minted NFTs.

For each menu created, a personalized NFT is generated, representing the pizzeria’s logo. This NFT has an initial value determined by the value of creating the digital menu and associated gadgets to create and consolidate engagement between the pizzeria and its customers. The number of calls to order Pizza or Food by the menu and revenue generated from advertising determines the constant growth of the associated NFT’s value.

The value of the NFT is deposited on the blockchain and can be traded with other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies.

Additionally, each province has its own NFT, which receives a value proportional to the number of menus created in that province. The same applies to regions, which have an associated NFT that receives a value proportional to the number of menus created in all provinces within the region.

How NFTs raise value 

When Menù receive 1000 calls to order take away food the relative NFT Menù earn €10,00 (ten/00 euro)
Provincial NFT
When Menù receive 1000 calls to order take away food in the relative NFT Menù based in relative Province, that Province NFT collector earn €10,00 (ten/00 euro).
When new NFT Menù will be sold, the Collector of Province NFT of that province where is based the NFT Menù will earn 2% of the sell
• Regional NFT
When Menù receive 1000 calls to order take away food in the relative NFT Menù based in relative Region, that Region NFT collector earn €15,00 (fifteen/00 euro).
When new NFT Menù will be sold, the Collector of Region NFT of that region where is based the NFT Menù will earn 3% of the sell.



How to collect the value generated?

every €50 of value generated by the Menu activity and by the new NFT Menu sold

the Team will mint an NFT Reward which the collector will be able to collect or sell or cash in through the sale of the NFT directly to the minter of these NFTs.
The NFT Rewards will be minted in ETH at the current value of the Fiat Euro
Always PIZZAIT.NET Project will buy the NFT Rewards, it will be sufficient to communicate the intention to collect the NRF Rewards and a financial operator will proceed with the purchase



The “NFT Menu” project offers numerous benefits for Italian pizzerias and local businesses. Firstly, pizzerias can have a personalized and free digital menu that includes stickers for pizza boxes, custom fridge magnets, and a dedicated page, which allows them to save on menu printing and updating costs. Furthermore, thanks to the advertising present in the menu, they can generate revenue that can be used to promote their menu on social networks.

Local businesses, on the other hand, can take advantage of advertising space within the menu, with three levels of advertising space available for purchase:
1.Basic level – featuring the business’s name and logo
2.Intermediate level – featuring the business’s name, logo, and a short description 3.Premium level – featuring the business’s name, logo, a longer description, and a link to the business’s website or social media pages.

By purchasing an advertising space, local businesses can reach a targeted audience and potentially attract new customers. Additionally, they can support their local pizzerias and participate in a unique and innovative project that leverages blockchain technology.



The “NFT Menu” project represents an innovative solution for creating menus for Italian pizzerias and even worldwide, which allows generating value through blockchain technology and NFTs. Thanks to the possibility of monetizing the menu through advertising local businesses, pizzerias can obtain additional revenue, while local businesses can reach a targeted audience and contribute to the creation of value in their province or region.

“NFT Menu” collectors will have a certain increase determined by the vitality of digital menus and the possibility of buying and selling them among collectors. Through a calculation based on the profitability of pizzeria menus, collectors of Provincial and Regional NFT Menus will receive “NFT Menu Reward” or actual NFT Menus.