
Our goal is to help you

• We IMMEDIATELY INTRODUCE IT to thousands of people in your city and surrounding areas • You will gain NEW CUSTOMERS in the city

• It’s NOT an APP for online orders

• They will order with a simple phone call AS USUAL

• They will pay you AS USUAL

• NO commissions on your sales

• We SIMPLIFY your menu

• Always on your customers’ MOBILE PHONES

You don't have to do anything

We'll do it for you in just a few minutes, FREE OF CHARGE

We support it for you, FREE OF CHARGE



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If you want own a real NFT digital Assets

keep reading...

you can be Pizza Chef Hero

Infinite growing Value loop start with 3 steps

1• We provide Customized Menù
2• Remake Logo and mint Menù NFT
3• Menù NFT host ADV for Local Shops

Start infnite growing Value Loop
• ADV increase Pizzeria's Customers
• More Pizzeria Customers increase Menù NFT Value
• More Value to Menù NFT More ADV hosting

Loop over and over again
• ADV increase Pizzeria's Customers
• More Pizzeria Customers increase Menù NFT Value
• More Value to Menù NFT More ADV hosting

Collectors are heroes for Italian Pizza Chef

In Italy we have Pizza Chefs that using their uniqueness and genuineness, they make real Master Piece Pizza but they are in trouble with Chains Food Stores.

I'm Salvo (friendly name)

I am Salvatore Arena a son of a family of pastry chefs and pizza chefs.

Since I was 20s I always had a “sacred fire” within me that prompts me to always be available for help those who want to invent a job or grow in their business.

I gave to myself commitment help them, improving their Logo and giving for free and build customized Menù online, through running B2B ADV and improve their visibility to the local customers by social network ADV.

hosting Popup for Local Advertise

Our goal is 2,000 NFT Menù on 2023

NFT Menù Collectable

NFT City

Collections NFT Chains

50% NFT to collectors
50% NFT collecting by ourselves

we are proudly helping more than 500 Pizzeria Chefs Menù

The purpose is to preserve the precious traditions Art of Pizza
Hand Down the tradition from Father to Son

Standing hold by the Food Chains voracity

against the homologation of the food perpetrated by the Restaurant Chains

is the only way to oppose and maintain its uniqueness 

Sadly even Pizzeria Chef make Excellent and Masterpiece Pizzas most of them are unable to compete with the Big Company Marketing